O3 is a colorless gas with characteristic odor at room temperature. Due to its powerful oxidizing and highly effective disinfecting properties, it is used as a germicidal agent in drinking water treatment plants.
Ozone therapy is administered for up to 10 sessions. In some cases, however, a second or even third 10-session therapy may be mandatory. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that a small precaution may save the person from the cost of a more expensive and full-scale treatment in the future.
Ozone therapy is a low-risk, complementary, supportive and restructuring method, usually accompanied by standard medical therapies. Medical ozone is completely safe, practical and effective if it is applied in accordance with the rules. In the light of long years of knowledge, experience and recent clinical studies, the validity of five applications was accepted. These methods are applied by our specialist physicians and nurses in our outpatient clinic.
- Cancer
- Vascular-Circulatory Disorders
- Allergy and Asthma Diseases
- Bone and Joint Disorders
- Non-healing Wound and Diseases
- Microbial Diseases
- Gastrointestinal Diseases
- Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Diseases
- Pediatry
- Eye diseases
- Urological Diseases
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Neurological Diseases
- Skin Fungus and Infected Skin Lesions
- Dental Diseases
- Cancer Diseases
- Diabetic Diseases
- Anti-Aging and Revitalization
- Prevention and Treatment in Elderly People
- Eye diseases
- Fibromyalgia Diseases
This treatment, which is taken from a person's blood in a sterile vacuum bottle, ozonated and given back to the same vein, increases the body resistance by washing and cleaning the blood within 15 minutes. It is possible to stay young and fit with 10-15 cycles of 15 minutes each year. With ozone you can start to rejuvenate from your cells. A painless body, a better mood, increased brain functions, regulated blood circulation, blood vessels and hearts, a body with increased immunity and resistance to diseases, a body that has lost weight due to increased energy, a decreased cholesterol; is a real and powerful ‘anti-aging..
This treatment, which is taken from a person's blood in a sterile vacuum bottle, ozonated and given back to the same vein, increases the body resistance by washing and cleaning the blood within 15 minutes. It is possible to stay young and fit with 10-15 cycles of 15 minutes each year. With ozone you can start to rejuvenate from your cells. A painless body, a better mood, increased brain functions, regulated blood circulation, blood vessels and hearts, a body with increased immunity and resistance to diseases, a body that has lost weight due to increased energy, a decreased cholesterol; is a real and powerful ‘anti-aging..
Rectal administration of ozone gas is not uncomfortable. Ozone gas is directly absorbed by the sensitive intestinal wall; In addition, tubes and pouches are disposable and are completely hygienic and the patient can apply them on their own. This method is generally used in inflammatory bowel diseases. However, it has recently been used for general health and revitalization.
Rectal administration of ozone gas is not uncomfortable. Ozone gas is directly absorbed by the sensitive intestinal wall; In addition, tubes and pouches are disposable and are completely hygienic and the patient can apply them on their own. This method is generally used in inflammatory bowel diseases. However, it has recently been used for general health and revitalization.
10 ml of blood taken from the patient with a syringe is ozonated and given back intramuscularly. This method strengthens the immune system against allergic diseases and in general.
10 ml of blood taken from the patient with a syringe is ozonated and given back intramuscularly. This method strengthens the immune system against allergic diseases and in general.